Thursday, April 30, 2009

See Point To Communicate Booklets Video Online

I am excited to present my video on the "Point To Communicate" booklets which has graciously produced for me.
You can see it at:

If you are new to this blog, please read earlier postings or go to any of the links on the right for more information and to access my website.
I hope you enjoy the video. Thanks for visiting this blog. All comments are welcomed.


  1. I saw your video. It's really wonderful! I wish I knew about it when my Grams was still alive. She had a stroke and would have really been happier being able to communicate with all of us and so would we.

  2. I really liked your video. It highlights your booklets well. I'll be ordering for my students who are hard of hearing. Jo-anne, Teacher, 1 & 2 grade
